About Us
Founded on Thomas L. Sturtevant’s desire to improve equipment effectiveness and operator safety in the milling industry more than 140 years ago, Sturtevant Inc. has made a tradition of exceeding customer needs with creative solutions by developing productive relationships and sharing knowledge.
Building on founder Thomas L. Sturtevant’s legacy, the company has earned a reputation for top-quality products and unmatched customer relationships. In its fifth generation of family leadership, Sturtevant Inc. has become a leading supplier of milling and air classification machinery to businesses across the globe, having developed one of the world s largest bases of installed mills and air classifiers and a product line with more variety and accessories than most in the industry.
The Beginning
Thomas L. Sturtevant recognized the need for mechanization in the fertilizer industry and founded the Sturtevant Mill Company in the state of Maine in 1883. His first unit was a Rock Emery Mill. Not long before the turn of the 19th century, the company moved to Dorchester, Massachusetts, where it remained until 1998. Now, located in Hanover, MA, U.S., it is known as Sturtevant, Inc.

An Idea Ahead of Its Time
To limit human exposure to harmful fumes and acids common to the processes involved in the manufacture of fertilizers, Mr. Sturtevant designed the Mechanical Den and Excavator, a machine that would revolutionize the batch processing of superphosphate.

Inventive Genius
During the late 1800s Laurance H. Sturtevant, a son of the founder, and Thomas J. Sturtevant, his nephew, joined the firm. T.J. Sturtevant, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was a remarkable engineer and inventor; his genius, coupled with the design, application, and administrative talents, provided the new company its initial thrust.

Innovation and Diversification
In the early 1900s, the company advanced designs for crushing and grinding, blending and mixing, and related materials-handling equipment. A venture into the automotive field began in 1904 when T.J. Sturtevant designed an automatic transmission. Together with the Sturtevant-designed internal combustion engine, automatic lubrication, vacuum brakes, and a body manufactured by another firm, the Sturtevant Automatic Automobile, the world’s first automatic, was marketed for upwards of six thousand dollars.

Out of the Depths of the Depression, a Burgeoning Business in Cement
Further engineering skills led to the development of the Air Separator. At this same time, the science of cement manufacture was evolving. In 1930, a contest between Sturtevant, Inc. and another important manufacturer in favor of a major cement producer proved the Sturtevant, Inc. unit superior. For the next several decades, the “Closed Circuit” method of making cement was dominant, and Sturtevant, Inc. Air Separators helped lead the way.

War Years: Defense and Chemicals
During World War II, Sturtevant, Inc. participated in the defense effort by making parts for local naval yards. In addition, the company was given high priority to secure materials for the manufacture of its equipment for use in the chemical industries. In the post-war era, the cement industry grew continually, calling for more Air Separators. In the late 1950s, massive reconstruction and expansion in that industry caused Sturtevant, Inc. to work at a feverish pace to meet the demands of its customers.

Enter the Micronizer®
During the 1930s, Sturtevant, Inc. introduced an ultrafine grinder, the Micronizer®. This fluid energy mill opened up many new and promising markets. The same decade saw the development of two more pulverizers which were intermediate to the older crushers and the Micronizer®, representing a relatively new concept of fine grinding by impact.

Quality, Service, and Expertise
In 1973, Sturtevant, Inc. acquired the North Attleboro Foundry, in North Attleboro, MA, U.S.. In 1979, the Sturtevant, Inc. Processing Division was instituted. The Processing Division functions as an arm of the research and development effort of the company as well as provides specialized grinding services to customers.

The Air Separator Evolves
During the 1980s, global cement manufacturing underwent a massive technological revolution. As usual, Sturtevant, Inc. was on the leading edge, with the SD High Efficiency Classifier. The SD reduced power consumption, produced higher yields, and was easily variable to produce different grades of product from a single milling circuit.

Global Impact
Since our earliest years, Sturtevant, Inc. has been an international force, having offices or representation on all continents. With equipment in virtually every country in the world, we helped enable the advancement of materials processing globally long before globalization became popular. Commitment to international business remains one of our core values.

Tradition Provides Stability in a World of Rapid Change
The tradition of family management has been maintained at Sturtevant, Inc. from the beginning to the present. T.L. Sturtevant was its manager from its founding to 1920, followed by his son Laurance H. Sturtevant, whose grandson, William Sturtevant English, has occupied the position of Chairman of the Board since the death of his father, Clayton F. English, in 1978. Currently, William Sturtevant English, Jr., manages the company, preserving for a fifth generation the tradition of the family.

Industrial Revolution to Information Revolution
Since its founding in 1883 at the height of the American Industrial Revolution, Sturtevant, Inc. has conducted its business in cooperation with its customers. Thomas J. Sturtevant’s engineering diary contains records of conversations with customers as T.J. was learning about their processes and their business. T.L. Sturtevant published a business manual to assist customers in maximizing their operations. Today, the company uses the Internet to communicate but is still asking the same questions about our customer’s processes and are still committed to maximizing their operations.

Into the 21st Century
Though the pace of change has accelerated and the world has shrunk through the information revolution, Sturtevant, Inc. remains steadfast in helping customers and producing the highest quality, conventional and leading-edge materials-processing equipment. The Micronizer® line now includes the world’s first USDA-accepted jet mill, the new 2002 Qualification Micronizer®, and newer developments yet to be announced. The Air Separator line includes a superfine variant and another new technology yet to be unveiled. The Powderizer line has recently been awarded another patent for Sturtevant, Inc. After more than 140 years, five generations of family management, thousands of happy customers, and countless advancements along the way, we are only just getting started. Come back often: there is bound to be something new.


International Organization for Standardization
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard for quality management. It helps organizations of all sizes and sectors to improve their performance, meet customer expectations and demonstrate their commitment to quality. Its requirements define how to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve a quality management system (QMS).
Implementing ISO 9001 means your organization has put in place effective processes and trained staff to deliver flawless products or services time after time.
Sturtevant Inc. recieved the ISO 9001:2015 certification in 2024.

Process Equipment Manufacturers Association
Formed in 1960, PEMA® brings together companies that supply equipment and systems that are used by process industries including: food, chemical, pharmaceutical, waste water treatment, paint and coatings, agribusiness, ceramics, metals, plastics, wood, pulp and paper, environmental, building products, and mining/minerals.

National Association of Manufacturers
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) represents manufacturers in every industrial sector and in the United States. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that
helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States.

International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers
ISPE was founded in 1980, its membership includes a broad representation from pharmaceutical professionals, including a vital link with quality control and assurance personnel. ISPE is committed to the advancement of the educational and technical efficiency of its members through forums for the exchange of ideas and practical experience.

National Stone Sand & Gravel Association
NSSGA represents the crushed stone, sand and gravel or construction aggregates industries. Their member companies produce more than 90 percent of the crushed stone and 70 percent of the sand and gravel consumed annually in the United States.

National Safety Council
The National Safety Council is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to save lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. The NSC
partners with businesses, government agencies, elected officials and the public to make an impact where the most preventable injuries and deaths occur.

National Renderer's Association
The North American Renderers Association (NARA), headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, was formed in 1933 as the professional organization of the rendering industry. The NRA represents their members interests to regulatory and other governmental agencies, promote the greater use of animal by-products and foster the opening and expansion of trade between foreign buyers and North American exporters.

Associated Industries of Massachusetts
Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) is a dynamic and innovative association of Massachusetts employers guided by the belief that only a vibrant, private sector economy creates opportunity that binds the social, governmental, and economic foundations of the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Join an Industry Pioneer!
Sturtevant, Inc. has been a family-owned business since opening its doors in 1883 and has been a leader in size reduction and air-classifying equipment ever since. We are currently in the fifth generation of family ownership and are located in Hanover, MA, U.S.
Over the years we have employed several generations of family members; our family and multiple generations of our employee families. Many of our employees have worked for Sturtevant, Inc. for ten years or more and we have several employees with twenty, thirty, and even forty years of service.
If this sounds like your kind of work environment, we’d love to hear from you.
Current Opportunities
If you enjoy working in a diverse, team-oriented, and dynamic environment, please apply to any of the following positions by sending your resume and cover letter to [email protected].

348 Circuit Street
Hanover, MA 02339 USA
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Washington, Oregon, southern half of California, Montana, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana (excluding the northwestern corner), Kentucky (excluding the western tip), Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York (excluding the southeastern corner)
Peak Equipment
Lee Hosey, Sr.
205 Willow Drive
Mead, CO 80542
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming (excluding the southwestern corner)
Adams Brothers
Phil Croft
1705 Oxmoor Road
Birmingham, AL 35209
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina
Cino Equipment
Joe Caccamese
134 Harrison Avenue
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Northern New Jersey, southwestern corner of Connecticut, southeastern corner of New York
Industrial Reps
Tom McMullen
3048 50th Street, NE
Buffalo, MN 55313
[email protected]
Sales Territory: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin (excluding the southern third), Western Iowa
M. A. Olson Company
Peter Marino
461 Boston Street, Unit E-2
Topsfield, MA 01983
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut (excluding the southwestern corner)
Pace Company
Doris Harkness
2545 Bellwood Road
Richmond, VA 23237
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Virginia
SepSol Process Solutions
Kalamazoo Corporate Office
Jim Lyon
4717 Campus Drive, Suite 1900
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Michigan, northern half of Illinois, southern third of Wisconsin, northwestern corner of Indiana
Tennant Specs Company
Rey Gonzales
1235 North Loop W., #706
Houston, TX 77008
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana
TSA Sales Associates
Pam Sanders
3466 Bridgeland Drive
Bridgeton, MO 63044
Sales Territory: Eastern Missouri, Southern Illinois, western tip of Kentucky
Annik Engineering
Ian Johnston
313 E. Brown Farm Lane
Draper, UT 84020
Sales Territory: Utah, Eastern Nevada, Idaho (excluding northern tip), southwestern corner of Wyoming
Air Engineering
Frank Usavage
189 South Main Road Unit #1
Mountain Top, PA 18707
[email protected]
Sales Territory: Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland
HUB Process Solutions
Scott Hutton
6407-36 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6L 1E9
Sales Territory: Canadian Provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba
Separator Engineering
Joe Byrnes
2220 Midland Ave Unit 85
Scarborough, ON M1P 3E6
Sales Territory: Canadian Provinces of Ontario and Quebec
Leevams, Inc.
Maharshi Mehta
465 GIDC Makarpura
Vadodara – 390 010 Gujarat India
Sales Territory: India
BK Moon
9th Floor – #911 Hanshin IT Tower
272 Digital-ro, Guro-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Sales Territory: South Korea
Polatecnia-Ventura Process Solutions
Azahares No. 26 – Int. 102-A
Colonia Santa Maria Insurgentes
Cuauhtemoc, 06430 Ciudad de Mexico
CDMX, Mexico
Sales Territory: Mexico
Ventura Process Solutions Brazil
Mauricio Marcos, Jr.
Rua Clevelandia, 680
Apartmento 1101
Bairro Centro
CEP 89801-561
Chapeco – SC, Brazil
Sales Territory: Brazil
Biopar – Ventura Process Solutions Argentina
Hugo Bibiloni
Calle 18 bis. No. 2977
1897 – Manuel B. Gonnet
Sales Territory: Argentina
Hannibal Solutions International
Ingolf Maximowitz
10 Anson Road #29-10
International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Sales Territory: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Philippines, Brunei, Myanmar
Utek International Corporation Limited
Bryan Hsu
7th Floor, No. 24, Lane 123, Section 6, Minquan East Road
114 Neihu District
Taipei City, Taiwan
Sales Territory: Taiwan